Sunday, November 8, 2009

The first post....

My sister said that as a new mom, I must take up blogging! How else were my family and friends supposed to keep up with Caroline?! Before Caroline, I didn't have any interest in doing anything with a blog other than READING THEM! I must admit, I do read many blogs and have enjoyed them so much. By creating this blog, I hope to create lasting memories for Caroline and some semblance of enjoyment for my family and friends!

As I write tonight, Caroline has had a big day watching her two favorite NFL teams remain undefeated. She LOVES the Colts and the Saints! Her parents are fully convinced that these two will appear in the Super Bowl this year! She secretly hopes to be a cheerleader for the Saints when she gets older. :)


  1. I totally think she will be a Saint's Cheerleader, right after she graduates the UofA and cheers for the HOGS! I'm glad you're doing a blog, and I look forward to keeping up with the Bostick clan!

  2. Thank you thank you for doing a blog!!!
