Monday, November 9, 2009

Tropical Stom Ida, Shopping, and the Baptism

Tropical Storm Ida turned out to be nothing more than a big thunderstorm in Mandeville. Thank heavens! Can you imagine having to evacuate with a 7-week old and 2 German Shepherds? Oh my word! Hopefully, our neighbors to the east of us in Gulfport and Mobile will also be as lucky.

Caroline's baptism is this Sunday and I am so excited! I couldn't be more proud to have our daughter acknowledge that Jesus is the son of God and that he died on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven. This is HUGE! I am so happy that our family and friends will be there to see this blessed event. Susan is going to be the godmother and Matt is going to be the godfather. I know we've made the right decision in choosing both of them to be such a special part of her life. On a more trivial note, her DRESS arrived in the mail TODAY! It's precious and I can't wait for her to wear it!!

I have absolutely nothing to wear that FITS! Heavens! When is this pregnancy weight going to come off? Of course, eating lots of Halloween candy hasn't helped the situation, but truly, nothing FITS! I have 13 lbs left to go but I swear things have shifted! How can this be?

Maternity leave has been so enjoyable. It saddens me that I only have 5 short weeks left. It has flown by and she is growing up way too fast. At times she still seems so small and other times she appears to be growing like a weed. She grasped for her first item tonight as we were changing her diaper. It was so cute! I had to break out the camcorder immediately and tape it. (Thank you again Daddy and Sandy for the fabulous camcorder!) If I could figure out how to post some videos on here, I'll post some.

I've attached a couple of pictures from the past few days. Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. What beautiful photos! I'm so excited to be a part of the baptism! Truly a blessed event=) Can't wait to see you on Saturday!!! Love, Susan
